Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cooking up LOVE!

I have been seeing all these cute Valentine's Day crafts all over the bloggy world lately and figured it was about time to make a few to decorate my house!

Thank goodness for my Silhouette.  It makes crafty 100x's easier!


My mom got me this cute display board from Creative Memories a couple years ago.  It has been greatly "under-used".  I vow to change it atleast for each season/holiday this year.  The coolest part about it, you make a scrapbook page and stick it on with the little magnets, when it is ready to change it you save the page and put it in your scrapbook!!!  I love that!

 I love this picture!  She is such a daddy's girl and my husband loves it.  I don't think he would know what to do if we had boys!

Using my Silhouette, I used the following shapes and font:
3d poppy
heart 1028

And THIS little beauty!!!  It is an upcycled pickle jar!!!  A while back I won a bloggy giveaway and got some Krylon Looking Glass Paint from Take the Side Street (which is a fabulous blog so go check it out).  I just got my paint and made me a faux mercury glass hurricane.  I love it.  Go check out Anna's blog for a sweet tutorial on how to do it.

PS. It is a stinky job, but there is always a little stink or pain with beauty, right?

Linked up at:
Fireflies and Jellybeans
The Shabby Chic Cottage 
Saturday Mornings

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